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Hybris UX Api

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Key Design Decisions


For JM Market:

Cerillion Search sequence: If all parameters will pass then search will be based on serviceNum, if this will fail then billingAccountNo, if this also fail then identityCode, firstName ,companyName, lastName else consolidate response of all errors

firstName,lastName and companyName should be in Upper case to get Valid response.
Allowed identity Types are SS--Driving License, TR--TRN Number, NI--National ID, PP--Passport

Customer Status:
Legitimate Status is β€œSTANDARD”

A-Allocated but not yet active
B-Call Barred
D-In default but not on TOS
E-Written off
O-Debt Outsource
P-In default but promise topay
S-Recommended for cessation

For CR Market - Mobile users:

Response model

1. Status: Used to know if the connection was successful. 0=OK 1=Error.

2. ID: The ID of the line to which we make the query. In this case, if the client is new, it is not in the Database, it will return the id 0.

3. NAME: Returns the type column. The values ​​it can return are the following:
Contrato, ContratoRoaming, Control, PREPAGO

4. Campaigne: Returns the client column. Example of values ​​it can return are:
Postpaid @1 CT
Pospago Otros SO Contrato
Prepago GAV


Debt Check using Identity(B2C)

For JM Market Target system is Liberate and Cerillion , For PA Market(only Liberate is the target system and consider the below points of liberate only):

identityType, identityNumber and balanceCheck are the mandatory input parameters.
balanceCheck flag should be true for debt check
Liberate JM:
Possible Identity types for Liberate JM are PP (passport), NI (National Id), OT (Other), SS (Driving L No), TR (TRN Number)
- for B2B, companies identityType can be AA (Articles of Association),BL(Trade/Business License) and CI(Certificate of Incorporation) and Not in scope for now.
Liberate PA:
Possible Identity types for Liberate PA are C -Cedula, PP-Pasaporte, SS-Seguro Social, V-Cuenta Vieja
for B2B, companies : AA-Articles of Association, BL-Trade/Business License, CI-Certificate of Incorporation and OT-Other

Fields which are part of response example are only in scope for the DebtCheck.

 -  state: It is account status and possible values are   W – working  C – Ceased  A – Allocated  D - Default  E – WrittenOff  F - Closed
 -  blgInd – It is Billing Indicator. If account is billable then blgInd will be "Y" else "N"
 -  WriteOffAmount – when account status is changed E (writtenoff) then, this field will be populated.
 -  PaymentPlanAmount – It is an agreement amount for the plan.
 -  PaymentPlanBalance – Brought forward balance from previous payment.
 -  paymentStatus - The condition of the account. Possible values are "Inarrears" (if OverdueBalance>0) or "Active"
 -  AccountBalance - Possible balanceType are TotalOutstandingBalance, OverdueBalance, WriteOffAmount, LastPaymentAmount, PaymentPlanAmount and PaymentPlanBalance
-   contactMedium.characteristic.street1 - Account Address is mapped to this field as there is no specific fields as per TMF  from liberate.

 TRN is the default identityType used in Cerillion.
 -  paymentStatus - The condition of the account. Possible values are "Inarrears" (if OverdueBalance>0) or "Active"
 -  AccountBalance - Possible balanceType are LastPaymentAmount, balanceType are CurrentBalance, OverdueBalance, TotalOutstandingBalance and LastBillAmount
 -  billStructure.presentationMedia[].id - Allowed values are P-Paper Bill, E – Electronic Bill
